Who we are


The Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP) is an organization of national prosecution authorities (corporate membership) that was established in 2010 with the founding members being national prosecution authorities of the East Africa Community (EAC), whose members were Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. The association later incorporated South Sudan when it became a Republic and a member of the EAC.

In order to leverage regional cooperation on combating transnational organized crimes, as these crimes were no longer limited to the EAC region, it was agreed at the 8th EAAP Annual General Meeting held in Diani, Kenya, in 2019 to expand the association to include the neighbouring countries of the EAAP members in what is referred to as the Eastern Africa Region, in order to facilitate greater cooperation. Therefore, at the 9th EAAP Annual General Meeting held in Arusha, Tanzania, in 2021, the EAAP admitted into its membership new members from the national prosecuting authorities of DRC, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia. Seychelles, Somalia and Sudan were admitted into the membership of the association by the 10th general assembly of the association held in Kampala on 28th February 2023 subject to their regularization of their status. Currently, the EAAP is comprised of 14 national prosecuting authorities of the following countries, Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

The association name was changed from the ‘East Africa Association of Prosecutors’ to the ‘Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors’ in order to reflect the expanded scope of the association. Additionally, the association adopted a new constitution at the 10th general assembly of the association held in Kampala on 28th February 2023 to cater for the needs of the expanded association as well as to make the association active and vibrant.

The Association is an independent, non-profit making and non-political body. Its mandate is to promote and facilitate cooperation among its member states through the detection, investigation and prosecution of crimes in the region, as well as to offer legal assistance to its members. Association members are represented by their members in the different structures of the Association as determined by the Executive Committee and the Annual General Meeting.



Promoting the rule of law and improving regional cooperation


The main impetus leading to the formation of the EAAP was the rapid growth in serious transnational crime in the region. The association has been an invaluable platform for holding capacity-building training in the above thematic areas.


Key staff and focal points

Directory of key staff and focal points

Contact Details of the EAAP President                           

  • Hon. Renson Ingonga                                                    

    The Director of Public Prosecutions of Kenya           

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Email: info@odpp.go.ke

    Contact Details of EAAP Secretariat

    Office of the Director of Public Prosecution of Kenya,

    ODPP House, Ragati Road Upper Hill,

    P. o. Box 30701-00100 Nairobi.


  • info@odpp.go.ke
    copy to:

    • eaapsecretariat21@gmail.com

    • admin@dpp.go.ug


    • +254 2732090/2732240

    • Mobile:

      • +254723202880

      • +254787880580


Executive Committee


eaap President

  • September - Current:

    • Hon. Renson Ingonga

  • February 2023 - June 2023:

    • Hon. Noordin M. Haji                                                      

The Director of Public Prosecutions of Kenya           

Nairobi, Kenya

The Vice President

Hon. Aimable Havugiyaremye,

The Director of Public Prosecution of Rwanda,

Kigali, Rwanda.

Email: info@nppa.gov.rw

The Vice President

Hon. Firmin Mvonde Mambu

Prosecutor General

Democratic Republic of Congo

Email: pgr_rdcongo15@yahoo.com

The general secretary

Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo

The Director of Public Prosecution of Uganda

Plot 1 Pilkington Road, Workers’ House

P.O. Box 1550, Kampala, Uganda.     

Email: admin@dpp.go.ug  


The Treasurer

Hon. Sylvester Mwakitalu

DPP - Tanzania

Telegrams “LEGAL” Dodoma

Academic Block No.2, Mkarama Road,

P.O. Box 1733,

College of Business Studies & Law,  

University of Dodoma,


Telephone: +255-26-2963634                                                         

Fax Number: +255-26-2963635                                                                

Email dpp@nps.go.tz

General Counsel

Hon. Dr. Beatriz Buchili

Attorney General



EAAP Members

Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Southern Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, DRC, Ethiopia, malawi, mozambique, somalia, sudan and zambia.
