The DPP Kenya Hosts the AG of the Republic of Mozambique on 13th June 2023

The Director of Public Prosecutions of the republic of Kenya, Noordin Haji had the honor of hosting the AG of the Republic of Mozambique, Beatriz da Consolacao Mateus Buchili. During their meeting, they signed a Biannual implementation plan for an MOU previously signed in Maputo on September 16, 2022.
The MOU aims to strengthen collaboration in the administration of justice, specifically in criminal matters. It signifies a significant step towards fostering closer ties and cooperation between the two countries in their pursuit of effective and efficient justice systems.
The newly signed Biannual implementation plan outlines a comprehensive roadmap for the next two years aimed at enhancing collaboration between the
ODPP Kenya and the Attorney General's office of the Republic of Mozambique.
The plan encompasses various key areas of cooperation, including the exchange of best practices on prosecutorial services, joint research projects, training and capacity building, digitization of services, and enhanced cooperation in extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance.
This strategic partnership will contribute to the development of a robust and effective criminal justice framework, benefiting both countries and fostering regional collaboration in the pursuit of justice.
The EAAP Holds its 10th AGM & Conference in Kampala, Uganda on 26th February 2023
Director of Public Prosecutions-Uganda, Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo, welcoming delegates to the EAAP Conference hosted by ODPP-Uganda in Kampala.
The Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP) held its 10th Annual General Meeting and Conference from 26th February, to 2nd March, 2023 in Kampala, Uganda, hosted by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) Uganda.
The theme of the Conference was “Trans–boundary Crime: Practical Approaches to Protecting Women and Children”. The Conference was attended by Heads of Prosecution Authorities and delegates from 12 countries namely: Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Somalia.
Chief Justice of Uganda, His Lordship, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny–Dollo (centre) with a section of Heads of Prosecution Authories in Eastern Africa, during the EAAP Conference.
In her welcome remarks, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) of Uganda, who is also the newly elected Secretary General of the EAAP, Hon. Lady Justice, Jane Frances Abodo, said that through the conference, participants would be able to share experiences and best practices in order to harness their skills as prosecutors in handling trans-boundary crime. She noted that women and children are the most vulnerable and constitute the bulk of victims of crime in the East African Region. “Tackling trans-boundary crime, for the protection of women and children is a difficult task to do in isolation”, said Hon. Abodo.
Heads of Prosecution Authorities and a section of prosecutors during the EAAP Conference.
The conference was officially opened by the Chief Justice of Uganda, His Lordship, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny–Dollo. In his remarks, the Chief Justice noted that the Conference was an opportunity to share experiences and best practices from the various jurisdictions and come up with solutions to strengthen the Regional Criminal Justice System. He remarked that, “Prosecutorial Agencies play a critical role in the stability and sustainable development of any nation”. He also observed that the EAAP had afforded the Heads of Prosecution Authorities in the Eastern African Region opportunities to coordinate, cooperate and collaborate in combating crime.
The outgoing President of the EAAP who is also the DPP Tanzania, Hon. Sylvester Mwakitalu, applauded the member states for their commitment to regional cooperation in combating crime. Hon. Mwakitalu is now the EAAP Treasurer.
Incoming EAAP Treasurer & Outgoing EAAP President, DPP Tanzania, Hon. Sylvester Mwakitalu, giving his remarks at the Conference.
Incoming EAAP President & DPP-Kenya, Hon. Noordin Haji, addressing delegates at the Conference.
The incoming EAAP President and DPP-Kenya, Hon. Noordin Haji, said that there is need to promote and support the protection of women and children in the region. “In Kenya, we have a specialised Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and Children Divisions to prosecute cases involving women and children”, said Hon. Haji.
EAAP President and DPP-Kenya, Hon. Noordin Haji, CBS, OGW, making a contribution during plenary at the 10th AGM and Conference for EAAP held in Kampala, Uganda.
Change of name from East Africa to Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP)
The Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP) was initially referred to as the East Africa Association of Prosecutors. However, during the EAAP Annual General (AGM) Meeting held on 28th February, 2023, in Kampala, Uganda, it was agreed that the name changes to Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors so as to capture the expansive region which now has member states beyond East Africa.
EAAP Member States
The EAAP is comprised of 14 national prosecuting authorities and agencies from the following countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, South Sudan, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, Sudan and Seychelles.
Among the development partners present were: International Justice Mission (IJM), United Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), AML-CFT ESCAY, AGA Africa, IFAW, European Union and the Human Trafficking Institute (HTI) Uganda.
DPP Noordin Haji is the new EAAP President
The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Kenya, Hon. Noordin Haji, CBS, OGW, is the newly elected President of the Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP). Hon. Haji was elected during the 10th EAAP Annual General Meeting held on 28th February, 2023 in Kampala, Uganda.
In his acceptance speech, the EAAP President thanked the delegates for the honour and trust with the regional responsibility. Hon. Haji thanked his predecessor the DPP Tanzania, Hon. Sylvester Mwakitalu, and the entire outgoing EAAP officials for their transformative leadership towards enhancing regional cooperation in combating crime. “Your administration re-invigorated our efforts in the execution of our objectives, and bolstering cooperation not only in Eastern Africa, but also in Southern and Central Africa. It is, therefore, my hope that we will build on your legacy” said DPP, Haji.
EAAP President and DPP-Kenya, Hon. Noordin Haji, CBS, OGW, giving his acceptance speech after being elected EAAP President in Kampala, Uganda.
Other EAAP officials elected and who represent different countries in the region are:
Two Vice Presidents: Hon. Aimable Havugiyaremye, Prosecutor General-Rwanda and Hon. Firmin Mvonde Mambu, Prosecutor General-Democratic Republic of Congo
Secretary General: Hon. Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo, Director of Public Prosecutions-Uganda
Treasurer: Hon. Sylvester Anthony Mwakitalu, Director of Public Prosecutions-Tanzania
General Counsel: Hon. Dr. Beatriz Buchili, Attorney General-Mozambique
The officials will serve a two-year term. The EAAP Secretariat is hosted in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kenya.
Right) EAAP President and DPP-Kenya, Hon. Noordin Haji, CBS, OGW, receiving the EAAP Constitution from Hon. Michael Chibita (left), former DPP-Uganda, during the 10th AGM and Conference for EAAP held in Kampala, Uganda.
President Hon. Haji has committed to strengthen regional cooperation through the following initiatives:
1. Strengthen EAAP membership. The EAAP President proposes to open up the Association to enable prosecutors to voluntarily register as individual members and will be subject to nominal payments. This will strengthen the Association's financial independence.
2. Promote the adoption of technology in the operations of member states.
3. Enhance joint capacity building and training exercises for prosecutors with a view of developing wealth of expertise on different thematic areas in the region.
4. Explore avenues that will allow for a hybrid legal system to support regional efforts in combating crime.
The East Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP) is a regional association of prosecutors committed to setting and raising standards of prosecution and professional conduct for prosecutors in Eastern Africa; by promoting the rule of law and improving regional legal cooperation to combat crime.
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